Jordi Álvarez León, entered to be part of the orchestra of the year 2,012, and performs the instrumental part of Bass Guitar in the Dance, and double bass in Concert and Sardanas. He also plays the piano and makes musical arrangements.
At an early age came to live in Catalonia, since he is born in Madrid. After being many years in Barcelona capital, at the moment lives in Vallgorguina (Barcelona).

He has listened to and listened to many types of music, but his favorites are great artists and groups like: Genesis, Frank Zappa, J.Pastorius, Chick Corea, Bill Evans, ...
He is an expert in computers and music computing, and our advisor when we have doubts in this regard. TV series, video games and reading are some of his most habitual hobbies.
A lot memories but "... I remember right in the middle of a performance that I suffered a stone attack in the kidney (nephritic colic) impressive! I had to stop playing and the ambulance took me to the nearest hospital!
Luck everything ended in a scare ".


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